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Friday, Jan. 19
I’ve been blogging this week about my 2012 Life Plan. It’s not a matter of thinking I have some great knowledge or insight. I’m sharing because it forces me to implement and follow through.
If it helps you, that’s great.
I call my plan “Ten Pins Life Planning.” I used the outline of 10 bowling pins to help me remember.
![2012 Ten Pins](
Because my life verse is “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God …” and my life statement includes, “Being a man God can use” I must have a clear first priority. I call it “my daily walk with Jesus.” I have surrendered my life and future to Jesus because I’m convinced He is God’s Son, bought my salvation with His death on the cross, and is worthy of my commitment.
In bowling, you cannot roll a strike if you miss the head pin. Conversely, if I miss out on my Jesus-Walk, nothing else will fall into place. So I must make it a daily priority. Daily priorities must be done first thing.
As my friend Dore Langley says, “You know that you will always do what you want to.”
Therefore I seek to start my day with Jesus in prayer, Bible study, journalling, and meditation. That is the foundation of my walk. I seek the guidance and counsel of Jesus in daily decisions, actions, and my words.
I can do better on all of these. It is the desire of my heart and prayer that I will grow in this area in 2012.
Still growing. Still hungry.
Curt Iles
- Keeping a life journal has been a rewarding spiritual exercise in my life.
I’d love to hear from you on your life goals, dreams, plan, and verse.
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