The Story of the Big Rocker.
It was 2005. We had just constructed the porch on the Tabernacle at Dry Creek Camp. Karan Robinson showed me a photo of a huge rocker made by an Arkansas craftsman. She said, “Don’t you think it’d look great on this porch.”
I agreed, then asked the question: “How much would it cost?”
I took a deep breath. “I don’t think the Camp can spend that on one rocker.”
Karan went home and got her youth group to raise the money. When she backed up a truck with that rocker, she was sporting a big ol’ Southern smile. It took an offensive line to unload it. We chocked the rocker arms so no camper would pinch off a toe.
The big chair became an instant hit. Thousands of photos have been taken in it. I once counted 24 GA girls in/and on it.
I also helped a 92 year old lady up in it for her personal photo.
Later that year I stood with Karan Robinson as a line of campers waited to sit in the Big Rocker. She asked, “Do you think that rocker’s worth $1500.”
“Karan, it’s worth $15,000.”
The Big Rocker is symbolic of what our beloved Dry Creek Camp is about: a place where people, especially young people, come aside to meet with God. As one young girl said, “That’s God’s rocking chair. You can just climb up in it and sit in His lap.”
A note on Mrs. Lola Marcantel Mitchell: I won’t divluge her age but hopped up in the chair faster than most younger folks. She is the great grandmother of three of my grandchildren (Noah, Jude, and Luke Iles. Her precious granddaughter Robin is married to my son Clay.) Lola and her late husband R.C. have sowed a lifetime of good seeds of friendship, love, and Christian living in the DeQuincy-Perkins area.
Mrs. Lola is known for her “Nana Bread.” It’s a special homemade loaf that she showers on her friends and family.

Welcome to the Creekbank. We’re glad you’ve stopped by.
A proverb for the day: The slacker does not plow during planting season; at harvest time he looks, and there is nothing. Proverbs 20:4
It’s time to cut your seed potatoes, buy snap bean seed, and prepare your ground. Feb. 14 is coming soon. (La. Country folk always plant potatoes on Valentine’s Day.) What other gardening maxims do you know?
A quote for your day: “When we attempt man-sized tasks only, we run the risk of always receiving glory for ourselves. But when the product of our courage is so magnificent and awesome that everyone must acknowledge this could not be the work of a mere mortal, then God’s glory is on display.” From Mission Mosaic December 2010