Scroll to end of post to read complete lyrics of today’s “Can’t get it out of my head” song: “The Israelites” early Reggae.
A word from Curt: Our heart is full of gratitude for the love, support, and affirmation we received during last weekend’s TheJourney Estate Sale. DeDe and I are blessed beyond words.
The proceeds from the sale are part of our simplification/balance plan to serve in Africa.
Thank you!
Tim Patrick is my friend and our local Director of Mission for Beauregard Baptist Association You can follow his excellent blog at
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The Power of Affirmation
Written by Tim Patrick

October is pastor appreciation month. I encourage you to practice this in your church. However, I want to carry this principle much deeper. I would like for you to consider the power of the affirming word.
Words have the power to bless or curse. James said “Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.”( James 3:10) James was not advocating both blessing and cursing. He was instructing us in proper use of the tongue. We should avoid the negative, destructive use of the tongue. It is one thing to avoid criticism and destructive talk. It is another to provide positive and encouraging words. We may never engage in destructive talk; however, do we get around to building others up with positive words.
The Bible says “the words of the pure are pleasant”(Prov. 15”26); “the words of a man’s mouth are deep waters” (Prov. 18:4); “the words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious.”(Ecc. 10:12) There are sins of commission when we sin against another person. There are also sins of omission when we fail to fulfill our responsibility.
Affirming words have a way of building the other person. Affirming words bring out the best in the other person. Human nature provokes us to think that negative words accomplish the most good. That is far from the truth. Affirming words are the champion of human relationships. You can accomplish more with ten affirming words than one-hundred negative words. Negative words tear down and damage relationships.
Paul said “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.”(I Cor. 13:1) In other words I can be religious and fulfill many religious deeds, but if my faith does not produce loving actions (such as affirmation) I am nothing more than a bag of religious hypocrisy.
How can we fulfill this task, as a Christian?
- Affirm the pastor.
- Affirm the worship leader.
- Affirm your Sunday school teacher.
- Affirm your fellow church members
- At home, affirm your family members.
- At work, affirm your fellow employees.
- Affirm the person who waits your table.
- Affirm the person who changes your oil.
I have a hunch all of us need God’s help being “gracious” and affirming with the words of our mouth. I challenge you to be affirming of your pastor. He will preach better, visit harder, and work more diligently when he is supported with affirming words. Oh, by the way, this will work with everyone to whom you relate.
Get up in the morning, slaving for bread, sir,
so that every mouth can be fed.
Poor me, the Israelite. Aah.
Get up in the morning, slaving for bread, sir,
So that every mouth can be fed.
Poor me, the Israelite. Aah.
My wife and my kids, they are packed up and leave me.
Darling, she said, I was yours to be seen.
Poor me, the Israelite. Aah.
Shirt them a-tear up, trousers are gone.
I don’t want to end up like Bonnie and Clyde.
Poor me, the Israelite. Aah.
After a storm there must be a calm.
They catch me in the farm. You sound the alarm.
Poor me, the Israelite. Aah.
Poor me, the Israelite.
I wonder who I’m working for.
Poor me, Israelite,
I look a-down and out, sir.
I received a text erroneously from you today and said I would be praying for all of you. Then, curiosity got me and I had to google you and came across this blog! Wow! I needed this today. I’ve been praying a lot about social media and finally the burden was lifted when I deactivated my account. I want the simple life. Don’t need to be a part of the things that aren’t meant for me to see and hear. God knows my need and look where I am right now!
Hopefully, this will keep me in tuned to Bro. Curt and DeDe Iles work in South Africa. There are many ties here…grew up going to Dry Creek and my sister and brother in law are missionaries with the IMB. Presently, Neil and Leanne Treme are in Richmond Virginia.
And to think this all led from a text that wasn’t meant for me.
Blessings to all!