We get things done over time by working hard and showing persistence.
A wise quote: “People overestimate what they can do in five years and underestimate what they can do in twenty years.” -Ligon Duncan
i.e. The twin powers of time and patience can crack mountains. See the Creekbank blog for more.
One of the best pieces of advice I ever received came from a simple country house painter named “Sonny” Green. In about 1994 we stood in front of Dry Creek Camp’s “White House.” I was seeking his advice on how to paint this huge tall building. As I shared my dreams, frustrations, and ideas, he put his hand on my shoulder.
“Son, remember this: Rome weren’t built in a day.”
His advice was simple. His grammar left room for improvement. His quote was definitely not original. Sonny Green wasn’t famous.
But his wise words in that situation made a huge impression on me.
The right words.
From the right man.
At the right time.
Dry Creek’s “White House” aka “The Old School”
Sonny Green’s been dead a long time, but his wisdom lives on.
If you’ve got a big job to do, take it a bite at a time. It’ll get done but don’t expect it to happen overnight.
Thanks, Sonny.
A closing quote:
“Best time to plant a tree: 20 years ago.
Next best time: Today.”